The clothes behind the trumpet : Miles Davis.

L’un des maîtres du style en toutes choses : Miles Davis, l’incomparable. Bel article, net, précis et superbement illustré.

Retrospective modernism

Miles Davis. Known to many as one of the influential heads of the 20th century. Jazz musician, trumpeter, bandleader and composer.

A man that lived his life and career to the fullest – be it in music, women, drug addiction and dress sense. His choice of attire, be it in studio or on stage – classic B. D Shirt or full four-piece suit. Effortless style.miles-davis-the-very-best-of-prestigue-records-photo-1-hi

When looking over images such as the one above, it’s easy to miss the details. Lack of a breast pocket and button on sleeve. Soft, almost uninterrupted drop shoulder. Close-notched collar, and the rounded club collar.the-sound-of-miles-davis1

The long roll-off collar on his B.D. (mostly in pastel shades), tucked into some mid-rise trousers. Strong Ivy league influences complete with what looks to be his knotted handkerchief neck tie.

Noted by Davis as learnign most from his mother;

“My mother was a beautiful woman.  She had style…

Voir l’article original 55 mots de plus

A propos Pascal Rousse

Je suis docteur en philosophie, professeur certifié d'arts plastiques en collège à Paris et chercheur indépendant. Mes recherches en philosophie de l'art portent sur le cinéaste soviétique Serguei M. Eisenstein, le montage, la modernité et le modernisme.
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